HAPPY 55th BIRTHDAY to my father-in-law, Rick!
(Yes, they share the same birthday!)
Don't worry, you guys don't even look that old! :)
Love you both!
HAPPY 55th BIRTHDAY to my father-in-law, Rick!
(Yes, they share the same birthday!)
Don't worry, you guys don't even look that old! :)
Love you both!
Hmmm...How much bigger will I get?
Do I really only have 9 weeks left until my due date? CRAZY! Who knows, he may show up earlier or later. Who wants to vote? :) So the past few weeks, I've definitely been feeling the baby move a lot more! Not only do I feel his random kicks and hiccups, but the coolest part is when I can actually feel a hard body part. Right now, as I sit at my desk, I can feel a body part at the middle top of my belly. I wonder what it is! Is it a butt, head, shoulder, knee? At times I can even see my belly move as he moves. It's pretty darn sweet! I wonder if I'll ever see a foot print sticking out. For those mothers out there, did you ever see that? I even have noticed the Braxton Hicks Contractions, which make my belly tighten up like crazy. My son (wow, I haven't said that a lot...has a nice ring to it) likes to keep me up at night too. I think he's trying to prepare me for what is to come.
Seeing friends with their babies and mothers giving their little ones hugs & kisses make me get even more excited to have our little guy here with us! People are continuously asking us what name we've picked out and the answer is...we're still working on it. It's a pretty hard decision if you ask me! I had lots of girl names in my head before we found out we were having a boy. Then I had to change the direction of my thoughts. Don't worry, we'll have one before he comes. I'll let y'all know once we decide!
Tippy is hanging out with Finley (who is 5 weeks old in the picture). We can't believe he'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow! Jeff & I love the "practice" as we babysit him!
What a cute pair! The question is...will Tippy get jealous when our boy shows up? So far, she's great with Finley!
Over Labor Day weekend, Jeff and I traveled up north to Duluth for a few days. I wish we could've stayed longer! Visits always go by way too fast, especially when there's so much we'd like to do and so many people to see. My girls organized my 1st baby shower which was so much fun!! MANY THANKS to my lovely ladies!!! You did a fabulous job! We got some really sweet baby clothes, blankets, toys, etc. Our little boy is going to be so darn cute! :) I only got a few pictures taken at the shower, so for those of you that were there please send me what you were able to take. Thanks! (The above pictures are of my girlfriends that were able to make it. We didn't get a chance to take a group picture of everyone else before they left.) It was also fun having 3 little ones with their mommies--Bobbie brought Sierra (10 months), Erin had Daylan (almost 5 months), and Kat had her new little girl, Anastasia (only 4 weeks old). One of the cutest moments was when Sierra keep hugging and "petting" Daylan. So sweet!
While in Duluth, we wanted to do a little "sight-seeing" since Jeff still hasn't seen all the fun attractions. Off we went to take a stroll on the beach at Park Point. It was a bit chilly, but not too bad. There were even people swimming in the super cold Lake Superior! Those are die-hard Duluthians. haha. We also wanted to go to the Rose Garden to see the beautiful flowers and take a nice long walk on the lakewalk. It was nice taking a break from the heat in KC to enjoying a cool breeze in the 70s.
The Spence family walking on the beach at Park Point
Beautiful Rose Garden in Duluth on the Lakewalk
Weight/Length at Birth:
7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in.