Hangin' out in his pjs and swingin' away!
It's already January 31st! Let's see, what all happened this month?
I'm looking forward to the fabulous month of February! Not only is it my birthday month and that our boy will turn 3 months old, but we're also going to celebrate having MN visiters coming to KC! My parents are coming over President's Day weekend, and then Carrie, Liz, Kat, and Kat's 6 month old baby girl, Annie, are coming the last weekend of February. I CAN'T WAIT!! Mom & dad will be able to see how much Ryker's grown in 1 month and the girls will be able to meet him for the 1st time! His chubby cheeks are waiting for kisses!! :)
Ryker loves looking in the mirror!
Such a gigglin' cutie and a new best friend to Tippy!
"Nona's trying to get me to go to sleep...it worked!"
"Time for another nap...zzzzzzz."
We Love You Both!
Hangin' out with Tippy & Daddy while cheering for the University of Memphis basketball team. Go Tigers!
Weight/Length at Birth:
7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in.