As of last week, Ryker LOVES playing with chip bags! He seems to be amazed with the noise it makes, the shiny color, and the light weight. In this picture, he actually got his arm in the bag!
Also as of last week, Ryker can now grab his feet! It's so funny how we get excited over little moments like these. Our baby boy is learning new things! (Hmmm...maybe Annie taught it to him. See the post below.)
What can I say? We're in love!
Kat, Annie, Liz, Carrie, and me holding my growing boy!
We had a cookout at Kacie & Dan's house and Derek & Andrea joined us too. So here are the babies: Finley, Annie, Ryker, & Charlee. So cute!
Awww...young love. Ryker goes for the older girls. :)
Weight/Length at Birth:
7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in.