My cousin, Rachel, came in town from Memphis on her way out to start living in Denver!
Ryker loves to look out the patio door with Tippy! Whenever the door opens, he sure likes to try to sneak out!
Jeff's cousins who live in CA came in town for a few days and brought their little boy who was adopted in December. CONGRATS to Scott & Rachel!
Playing "Pat a Cake" with Great-Grandma!
We celebrated 4th of July (also Grandma's birthday!) at the cabin. Ryker enjoyed the boat ride with the wind almost blowing his hat off!
Enjoying the sun!
"Happy Birthday, Grandma!"
He sure loves shredding tissue paper!
Later in the month, Auntie Malena & Uncle Jesse came to town before we all headed up north to MN. We took some time to relax in the pool!
During Ryker's 1st trip to his Mommy's hometown of Duluth, Ryker was able to take a little walk in the sand by the lake where Mommy grew up!
We had a family reunion on my mom's side of the family, so that was a fun time to see everyone. We took some time outside to enjoy the cool weather.
"Whatcha doin' trying to attack Mommy's face, little man?"
Hangin' out with one of his older girlfriends, Sierra (Bobbie's little girl)--both acting quite shy
Lovin' the time with Auntie Malena...
We spent some fun time at "Auntie" Liz's house!
Ryker has so many awesome "aunties"! He really enjoyed playing with Kade and getting sweet kisses from Addi. We can't wait to see them all again very soon!
I also had my 10 year high school reunion in July but totally forgot to take pictures, so I'm pretty bummed that I don't have any to share. The reunion was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be! It was a good time seeing everyone and catching up on what's been going on in the last 10 years.
Ryker turned 8 months old in July and still wasn't able to crawl. However, he did start rolling around to get where he wanted to go. He also got his 1st tooth that month!
Weight/Length at Birth:
7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in.