Here we go again! Time to update this blog. Get ready for lots of pictures! I can never just put a couple on here. There are too many that are fun to share!
In the beginning of the month, Jeff and I wanted to take a day trip to Katy Trail and Les Bourgeois Vineyard where we got engaged in Rocheport, MO. It was a beautiful day with perfect walking weather with Tippy and Ryker.
Enjoying the sunshine!
Checking out the grapevines!
Ryker definitely has to check out every spot in the house!
"Feed me, feed me, Mommy."
That's Daddy's undershirt, silly!
Another favorite hobby: raiding the pantry!
Just chillin' on the deck
Ryker & Tippy love playing outside. Oh Ryker, don't try to eat the slobbery dog ball again!
Always smiling!
This picture is showing our poor boy with a fever while we were at the family gathering of making the best applebutter.Looks like he's feeling much better! How do you like his little farmer outfit at Great-Uncle David & Great-Aunt BJ's farm?! So cute.
On Oct. 25th, we were in St. Paul for my friend Amy's baby shower. It was so much fun seeing so many of the girls from college! Right before the shower, Liz's sister, Noelle, decided she's going to start a new career in baby hair styling!
Ryker wanted to greet everyone at the door, so Noelle was greeted with a smile!
Time for photos by the pumkins!Left to Right: Amber's son-Nolan, Tiffany's son-Kade, Ryker, and Kat's daughter, Annie
Beautiful pregnant ladies, Amy & LizTheir baby boys will be here so soon!
A spot where Ryker loves to be--surrounded by pretty ladies!
I MISS YOU GIRLS!!! When's our next gathering? :)
Ryker missed Tippy, so he enjoyed hanging out with Angel.
After the shower, Ryker was dressed up as a MN Twins player, Joe Mauer, for a Halloween Trick-or-Treat event at the Como Zoo.
On our way to the zoo! Do you like how Liz looks like a pregnant Blossom? Remember that show? hehe.
When I got back from MN, my parents and Malena came for a visit during the last week of Oct. She hadn't seen him since his baptism, so it was fun for her to see how much he's grown!
Reading a book that Auntie Malena bought Ryker for an early birthday present
Pretty leaves on the tree in the backyard!
Our little dinosaur! He wasn't sure what to think of himself as he looked in the mirror.
Happy Halloween! We went to Daddy's office to Trick-or-Treat and saw some other fun costumes.
What's that I see in our backyard? Is it a bird or a really big insect? NO, it's Ryker having fun being dressed up as a dinosaur! :)