Here I am at 22 weeks, which was taken on Sunday right before going to my friend Kacie's baby shower. Jeff wanted to take the picture at the same spot. :) (Jeff also took the cute picture that you see on the right side of the page of my sweet little girl, Tippy.) My parents were in town last weekend, and we had a really nice visit. They spent a little under 2 weeks in Memphis and stopped by to KC on their way there and back. Mom brought 2 bags full of baby clothes already! (Thanks, Mom!) For all of us that know my mom, she's the queen of clearance racks! She definitely found some good deals and cute clothes! On Sat., I went out to Babies R US with my mom and mother-in-law to add/change things on our baby registry and then headed out for lunch. It was a fun day out with the moms! Julie also bought the cutest little outfit for her 1st grandchild while we were shopping. On Sun. while mom and I were at Kacie's shower, Jeff and dad painted the baby room a pretty blue color. It'll look great with our new crib bedding set, which we just got in the mail this week. Now we need to figure out which crib we want! Don't worry, I'll definitely take pictures of the baby room once it's all done. So far, it's just getting started!
In a little over a week, I've been starting to feel the little boy inside of me! At first, I couldn't tell if it was actually him or not. Now I know it is! On Sun., we were all sitting down around the kitchen table talking when I told Jeff that I was feeling something twice in the same spot. He put his hand there, and a minute later felt it!! We were both pretty excited! People are still asking us if we've made a decision on a name, and I know whoever is reading this right now is wondering too...so to answer your question, we still haven't decided. We have plenty of time until this "little dude", as Jeff likes to call him, comes out into the world! :)
Well, I should end this post now. I have to finish packing for my trip this weekend! I'm heading out to southern MN for my friend Amber's bridal shower.
I'm so excited to see my girls!!! I leave this afternoon and come back on Monday. You'll have to wait until I come back for my next update. Until then, adios!