Yesterday I started week 23. My belly is definitely growing now! I am feeling my little guy kicking more often now when I'm sitting down and relaxing, even can see my belly move a little every once in a while when he kicks! Poor Jeff...when he wants to feel it, nothing happens. It's always random. :) I sure can tell a difference from today's picture compared to week 21's picture. We decided to take the picture outside this time in front of our garden that's still growing and our house in the background. We plan on looking around again this weekend for a crib and matching dresser, so that'll be fun. Hopefully we'll find something that we like and not too pricy.
You look so cute! It was quite awhile before Tom could feel our baby moving... he was the same way, sneaky little thing. ;)
You are absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see you in September! I wish I could see you in a couple of weeks and maybe feel that little boy kicking. :(
I love your garden (and the belly)!
Congratulations Janell, this is Courtney Stasney!! I am so excited for you and your husband. You have a million things to look forward to. Parenthood is such a joy!! Enjoy your pregnancy, it's an awesome journey.
Your belly is really popping out!! You look so cute! What a great blog - I finally got a chance to check it out. How fun! I can't wait to see how big the belly gets in a few more weeks.
MMMMM....those veggies look good. That lady with the baby looks good too! She's smokin' hot.
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