The following news is what I was going to write about last week but didn't get to it. 2 of my girlfriends had their babies while I was in in Kansas City and one in the MN!! Kacie and her husband, Dan, had Finley Cooper the morning of Friday, August 3rd (due date was Aug. 10th). I got a call from Jeff (after he tried calling 5 times when my phone was on "silent") about an hour after Finley arrived. For those of you who know my emotions, tears of joy were strolling down my cheeks while we were waiting for the tour bus in downtown Chicago. The tears were also coming out because I couldn't be there with Kacie to share in the amazing moment. Below are some pictures of their beautiful baby boy. He and my little one will be the best of buds!

Finley Cooper and Auntie Janell--4 Days old
Little Finley and his beautiful Mommy

On the morning of Sunday, August 5th, Kat and her husband, Adam, had a beautiful baby girl named Anastasia Marian (due date was Aug. 20th). I sure wish I could be there to see her! (To see pictures, check out Carrie & Liz's blogs.) Carrie, Liz, and I got a call from our friend, Erin, to tell us the fun news while we were on a train heading to the airport. Once we actually got to talk to Kat on the phone, more tears strolled down my cheeks. You know me! Now, this is hitting me harder, that I'm NEXT!!! Even though November 13th seems far away, time is sure going by fast!
CONGRATS to the proud parents!!!
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