7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in.--born 11/15 at 10:59 am
(Mommy is very tired at the hospital.)
Getting ready to go home! He has to cry a little bit of course! :)

Mommy & Daddy are SO IN LOVE with him!!

Feels good to be home!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers that you've sent our way. Don't worry, we'll be updating more and sharing our hospital experience this week when we're more rested. :) Ryker is such a sweet blessing! Can't wait for you to see more of him!!
He is so precious! Congrats to the happy family. I hope that Ryker will start letting you get a little more sleep soon...poor momma. :) What an angel...I can't wait to meet him! Love you all!
He is sooooo Beautiful. You and Jeff made a Perfect Baby Boy and I am so very happy for you. Love and Happiness Always, Aunt Perrylyn
CONGRATS!!! Carrie told me the good news! I love the name, he is just precious! Can't wait to see more pictures. Hope you're all doing well. :)
Ohhhh, he is SO beautiful! Where did all that hair come from?!?! I can't wait to meet him! Give him a big kiss on the cheeks for me!
I love you!
I'm so excited for a baby cousin! He is so cute and I can't wait to meet him! Love you all and congratulations :)
CONGRATS you guys! He is beautiful! Enjoy being new parents.
Welcome Ryker!! I'm so glad to hear that he's here. Can't wait to hear how things went for you in the hospital. Congrats!!
AGGGGHHHHH!!!! Ryker is SO BEAUTIFUL! I cannot believe that he is here. I am crying at work. CONGRATULATIONS again! I am so happy for the Doudrick family.
HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! WOW look at all that hair! Just so wonderful and very happy for you Janell. You look great too. Hope you are feeling well. Obviously give a ring when you are feeling up to it. I am anxious to hear from you. Hopefully Ryker is getting the hang of nursing and Daddy is pampering you lots!!! And yes now that I'm a Mommy I have to give my two cents worth of advice; Kiss him lots, take a bazillion pictures, cry when you need to, and let other's do things for ya, that's what they are there for and of course be sure to get some alone time too, even if it means having Jeff tell people to head out for a little bit.
He is so beautiful!!! What a sweet face! I so envy you! :)
Carrie sent the email of your exciting news last Friday; Congratulations!!!!! Just looking at the pictures brought tears to my eyes!!! Love, Karla
Congratulations Doudrick family! Ryker is just amazing, I am very happy for you! The first few weeks can be tiring but take good care of yourself too, and take Kat's advice as well, I totally agree! Looking forward to all your updates, take care! Nichole
What a handsome little guy! Congratulations to all three of you! Ryker is an awesome name (and I love the middle name too!) Enjoy every moment. Love always, Kelly
So I have to agree with everything Kat said!!! Just remember it is OK to take breaks, everyone needs a little time away for sanity. I'm so excited for the two of you and your new little family. My other words of advice.. start tummy time now... They don't always like it but it is so important for development!!
Kiss the baby for me...
Congratulations to you both! He is absolutely perfect and we cannot wait to meet Ryker.
Sending our love to you everyday,
Amy and Conor
Congrats!!! Enjoy every second with your precious little one.
He is beautiful! Congratulations Janell...I am so excited and happy for you both!
What a wonderful little boy you have been blessed with! I am thinking of you and so glad you have your little guy in your arms now. Take as many pictures as you can, and gaze into those precious eyes as often as they're open! Rest when he is sleeping, and don't be afraid to ask for help. People will gladly be accommodating if you ask for it.
You look so good too Janell!! Take care and enjoy every minute.
Courtney Stasney
Janell...I'm so happy for you!!! I can't wait to meet the little guy! What a cutie!!!
Hwe Janell and Jeff. Congrats to you both. Ryker is the most beautiful baby boy. I am so so happy for you both. Wish I could be there to see him in person but it is so great to see all the photos. All my love and irish blessings. Jane xx
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