Get ready to see lots of November pictures! (Yes, I know, it's about time!)
On election night, Ryker finally started walking with his fun walker. This is a picture of him walking with it at Grandma & Grandpa's house. It was so cute, because Mommy taught him to say "Vroom vroom" while he pushed/walked (as spit drooled out of his mouth).
Hangin' out by Rocky
Grandpa & Daddy like to play with Ryker's toys too! Ryker just likes to knock the blocks down. haha!
November 15, 2008--Ryker's 1st birthday!!! His best buddies, Finley & Charlee Sue, get to open party gifts too!
What a treat! Little dude sittin' with both Grandpas!
Great-Grandma D. made Ryker his Christmas stocking! How beautiful!
"Look what I got, Daddy!"
Mommy's big boy!
Grandma made the cutest little clown cupcakes (with soy milk, of course), and as you can see, Ryker LOVED it! He's never had anything like it before (because most treats are made with milk), so it was his 1st yummy dessert!
3 little friends! Hey, Ryker, watch where you put your hands! Our little ladies' man.
A fun birthday activity for the little ones--1st time fingerpainting! All 3 got a typed up poem and made handprints. It was so cute! They all did a great job. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, Ryker!!!
November 22nd--Celebrating Great-Grandpa S.'s 81st birthday! Here Ryker is sitting with Great-Aunt BJ!
4 Generations--Great-Great-Uncle Rowan, Daddy, Ryker, Great-Great-Aunt Louise, & Grandma
"I love you, Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa!"
Time to take a break with Great-Uncle David
Awww...bein' sweet with Great-Aunt Jolene!
Julie's parents & most of the siblings!
he's so adorable! can you believe how fast the time goes?!?
what a great update!
Matthew is climbing up on everything girl!
Great photos! I still can't believe how big he is. He's changed a lot and I haven't decided whose features go to whom. I love those stockings! I have one at both of my parents' houses.
I love all the great pictures! Keep them coming. What a happy guy. I can't believe how big he's getting.
He's Adorable! I see a lot of you in him now, especially the one with his "little friends" My have they grown!
Great pictures. I hope you are doing well.- Martha
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